Saturday, February 22, 2014

#5 Is Family Structures a Key Factor in Economic Growth?

OK interim study: Family structure key factor in economic growth

In previous posts I have mentioned and spoke about many advantages intact families have on all people involved but I have yet to come across this advantage until today.  The article linked above speaks about family structure as a key factor to economic growth.  I found this article very interesting because it is the first time I have come across this contribution that intact families have on our society. Although I do not 100% agree with this idea that stresses on maintaining an intact family and marriage is a key factor to economic growth, I believe it is a factor that should be explored and looked at more in depth.  In the article, focused on Oklahoma City, describes the ideas of Patrick Fagan. He says that a desire for economic progress should promote "intact families" by policymakers in order to do so.  Fagan explains that intact families improve a wide range of social and economic outcomes. The article explains the decrease in the percentage of intact families and relates it to our steadily decreasing economy to display the connection between these two factors. A quote by Patrick Fagan that I found very interesting was "The single biggest program for reducing poverty is not a program- It's marriage." I personally believe that family structure has an effect on our economy but i do not believe it is the key factor to our economic growth.

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